In addition to its antioxidant effects, described in our last article, acai berry has anamazing nutritional composition .
Very low sugar content
First of all, it's a very unsweetened fruit . Its simple carbohydrate content is close to zero, when the average fruit is around 15%. Only the complex carbohydrates (arabinose, mannose, galactose) are found there.
By way of comparison, gooseberries contain 6 g and blueberries about 8 g.
Good unsaturated fats
On the other hand, what characterizes this exotic fruit is its high lipid (or fat) content. At 4.5 to 6.5 g/100 g, which is still lower than that of avocado (12%), it differs from fresh fruit, which is almost free of it. The advantage of these fats concerns their quality, with a high content of oleic acid (Omega 9) at 56.2%. These fatty acids are also those found in olives or olive oil (hence the name "oleic") which have made the famous Mediterranean diet famous!
These unsaturated fats help maintain normal total blood cholesterol levels.
High fibre content
Another point to highlight in the composition of acai berries is that they provide a fiber content (2.4 g/100 g) well above the average for other fruits, which is around 1-2 g/100 g!
These fibers promote good intestinal transit and effectively combat constipation. They create a feeling of satiety and delay the onset of hunger.
They are also useful for regulating theassimilation of nutrients and promote the activity of the microbiota to keep it in top shape! Good bacteria feed on fiber.
According to the INCA 3 study, French daily fiber consumption - 20 g/day for adults - is well below the ANSES recommendation of 30 g/day.
Nevertheless, acai remains avery fragile berry and its nutrients can only be preserved for a few hours after harvesting.
That's why, at Nossa, we prefer to pick the berries at full ripeness, when their vitamin and mineral content is at its highest, to ensure full preservation of their goodness. The acai pulp isimmediately frozen and then transported to France by boat, to preserve all the nutritional properties and taste qualities of these fresh fruits.