The benefits of antioxidants for athletes

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Antioxidants are active molecules that prevent cell degradation. They are essential for practising sport in good conditions, as they enable the body to maintain a good state of health despite the difficulties that may be associated with exercise.

Find out in this article how important antioxidants are for athletes, and how to get enough of them, bearing in mind that nutrition and health are linked.

The importance of antioxidants for athletes

Oxidative stress and free radicals

Antioxidants combat oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the production of free radicals when the body is under stress. There are many stress factors, including tobacco, sunlight, pollution and excessive sport. The latter, when practised intensively, represents a form of aggression and leads to the release of the famous free radicals, molecules which in turn attack cells.

Free radicals are necessary for good health, but when they are produced in excessive quantities, they can disrupt the body's physiological functions. Free radicals degrade our proteins, fatty acids, DNA and other molecules essential to cellular life.

When this mechanism is consequent, it acts as an aggression and can weaken the body of sportsmen and women at various levels. This can take the form of recurrent injuries, muscular weakness, digestive problems and so on.

The role of antioxidants

Antioxidants act as shields against free radicals, forming a natural defense system by neutralizing them before they can reach their targets, thus stopping their harmful action.

It's important to give the body a boost when the production of free radicals is repeated or intensified.

Antioxidants, for example, help to: reduce inflammation of muscle tissue and joints, limit the risk of injury, and prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, among others...

Optimizing antioxidant intake

Natural Solutions

There are several natural solutions for ensuring a sufficient supply of antioxidants when exercising regularly:

In addition to the natural antioxidants produced by the human body called lipoate and glutathione.

Other antioxidants are available in appreciable quantities in many foods, particularly fruit and vegetables. Fruits with a high antioxidant content include blueberries and pomegranates, but especially acai, which justifies its name as a "superfood".

Acai berry, an antioxidant-rich ally 

The acai berry has an exceptional antioxidant content: 3.29g/100g of polyphenols! More precisely, these are anthocyanins (from the flavonoid family), responsible for its beautiful dark purple pigmentation. Antioxidants in food are like rust inhibitors for our cells, helping to combat tissue oxidation (hence the name). The açaí berry has a very high antioxidant potential, with an ORAC index of 11,000 umol TE/100g, 10 times more than cranberry.

ORAC or "Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity" is an index that measures a food's antioxidant content and its ability to fight free radicals. The higher it is, the more protective the food!


Antioxidants, essential for athletes, are found in foods such as açaí. By incorporating these superfoods, athletes can optimize their health and performance. 

Now you know what you have to do if you're a keen sportsman and want to stay healthy!

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