Do you enjoy regular physical activity and want to optimize your diet to support your performance? Discover how acai, rich in essential nutrients, can be your ideal ally.
Acai and sport
Did you know that in 2020, two out of every three people will be practicing a physical activity or sport on a regular basis?source Insee)
Sport is good for your health! In particular, sport can help prevent many chronic diseases, as well as long-term conditions such as diabetes and obesity.
From a pleasurable point of view, sport secretes hormones such as endorphin, dopamine and adrenaline. These hormones regulate stress, improve sleep quality and reduce pain.
With all this sport, discover the ideal food to complement your lifestyle.
Acai helps you recover more quickly after intense sports effort, but how exactly?
The benefits of acai
Acai is extremely rich in manganese (manganese content in 100g of pulp: 5.5mg, i.e., 273% of daily requirements), an antioxidant antioxidant trace element which participates in the activity of numerous enzymes that prevent cell ageing.
But more than that, it plays an important role in energy production energy production, bone structure and connective tissue synthesis.
The copper present in acai (copper content in 100g of pulp: 0.2 mg, which represents 16% of daily requirements) is involved in cartilage quality, bone mineralization and the regulation of neurotransmitters. cartilage quality, bone mineralization and neurotransmitter regulation..
It plays a useful role inimmunity and contributes to normal metabolism. metabolism.
Our Récup'Sport smoothie recipe
Discover our acai smoothie recipe, suitable for all sports. This recipe is ideal after physical exertion. Itprovides your body with all the elements it needs to regain energy.
For 4 people, you will need :
- 2 bananas
- 2 kiwis
- 200 gr frozen acai pulp
- 2 natural yogurts with bifidus
- 1 tablespoon wheat germ flakes
- 1 tablespoon dried fruit mix (cranberries, gojis, raisins, etc.) and nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds)
Here are the steps to make our smoothie:
To prepare the base :
- Peel and chop the fruit before placing in a blender.
- Add the yoghurt, acai and wheat germ.
- Blend until smooth.
- Pour the mixture into bowls
Add toppings:
Then place a tablespoon of dried fruit (cranberries, gojis, raisins, etc.) and nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds) on top.
Share your acai smoothie on social networks by mentioning nossaacai !
Happy tasting, and happy recovery!